Stupid network.
I love the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack.
Not exactly the welcome back I was looking for. Today is going to be interesting.
Well. That’s just a whole lot of crazy right there.
Wait. Which part is important?
I don’t even know where to start.
We need music.
So yeah, this might be a really short post today.
Adding links to PDFs is a little bit of a PITA.
Yeah, ok. I’ll post this tomorrow instead.
Norah’s new album is reeeeeeeeeeeeally good.
Why am I so hungry?
Honestly. I don’t know why the NSA would even want to spy on my online activities. Generally only blog stalkers who actively hate me do that.
I don’t play poker.
Holy martial arts, Batman!
“I don’t need any more enemies.”
No. eyebrows.
I could throttle the dj who played W that Miley song. She won’t stop singing it.
“It’s the friends who secretly and somewhat evilly shoot video of you singing your heart out to Journey but then don’t post it on the internet that matter.”
If you didn’t get that the Instagram status was a joke then I have no hope for you.
I wish I could do Instagram. I don’t even know why any more.
eggs. eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs
Wash and go.
Aaaaaand look at that. Make a crack about Whoopi Goldberg’s eyebrows and someone gets offended. You can’t say shit in this world today. Ridiculous.
You might have touched your gentles.
I am turning on my high power sting ray eyes. Girl.
Yay! I see some influence here
when you said Joss! I thought you meant Stone and I got all interested. bah.
you are so hungry because you spent the weekend in my evil clutches and now your stomach misses me. and the devil sausages.
scrambled. with toast.
i’m ALWAYS touching my gentles.