nobody here but us chickens

Category: anniversary

year fourteen – I get glimpses of the horror of normalcy. Each of these innocents on the street is engulfed by a terror of their own ordinariness. They would do anything to be unique.

wm0424Happy Anniversary, Old Manwm0408 wm0423  wm0454 wm0455 wm0462 wm0472 wm0481 wm0482 wm0487 wm0491 wm0496The 14th – and it just gets better every year. Stormageddon is terrified of the Mister since he shaved his beard off to put on the Pagliacci makeup – you can see he’s keeping a close eye on him. Hilarious. Miss W wasn’t home, which is the only reason she’s not making an appearance in our outtakes. (Quote from Geek Love by Katherine Dunn, which is a fantastic book, so check it out if you haven’t read it.)


year eleventy – forever and ever and ever …

wm8899We’re a tad behind schedule with the annual anniversary shot this year. Some of you might have been nervous. Pish. Like I’d miss a Hallowversary shot. I do wonder why I don’t seem to own a flannel shirt though. Had to borrow one from the Mister. If you can’t guess the inspiration for this year’s portrait, you clearly do not love this holiday. wm8892 Miss W needed to get in on the action, and of course she wanted to be the killer. No I will not let her watch this film.wm8901All work and no play … wm8885


Happy Anniversary, Mister

I have the best husband ever.

Every year he indulges me during October, my favorite month.

We do our traditional Halloweenish anniversary photo.

And he allows me to use him in many of my 31 Days of Halloween photos.

Because he is the best husband ever.

Happy Anniversary, Old Man.


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