Well that went completely off the rails. Shit.
I can’t already be in panic mode over next semester. I’ll die.
Holy shit that should not have been that hard.
Never underestimate the power of denture cleaner.
This is a completely unreasonable amount of reading. This is insane.
It’s like getting gas at night instead of in the morning on your way to work.
New tattoo!
I really don’t know how I’m going to do this. I may not survive this semester.
I think when it’s over I deserve an actual vacation. Like going somewhere and doing absofuckinglutely nothing.
We all know that isn’t going to happen.
That information is readily and publicly available, child.
Man I hope this is all less confusing next year. Sheesh.
I think I’m cold. I need to take a walk. And then I’ll definitely be cold.
I need food.
I don’t know why that chair is so squeaky, but it’s annoying as fuck. Stop moving!
Of course it’s all bullshit.
I think we collectively blocked this event from our memories because not a single one of us wants to be involved in it.
That was really a lot more blood than I would have expected from a paper cut.
Well I survived that I guess.
May seems so far away. I guess that’s a good way to bookend this semester though.
That seems profoundly disingenuous, but you do you.
see ya
is it weird that i’m intrigued by the denture cleaner one??